Jose Ospina

European Projects

José Ospina's experience includes:

Regeneration Manager for CECOP (Confederation of Social Co-operatives and Participatory Enterprises) a European Network of social enterprises based in Brussels (1995-96)

Author and Project Manager of a local project to build a Community Centre through community-self build for the London Borough of Hackney, funded under the Euopean Regional Development Funds (1996)

Thematic Co-ordinator (Self-Build) of the IGLOO-Integra Project, trans-national exchange on the theme of community participation in housing, funded under the INTEGRA Programme (1997-98)

Author and Project Manager of RECITRAVE (Recycling Projects for Traveller) led by the Novas Ouvertures Group and funded under the Ecos-Ouverture Programme (2000-02)

Local co-ordination (County Cork) of the TRANSFORM (Transforming Women’s NGO’s into Social Enterprises) Project, funded under the Ecos-Ouvertures Programme (2000-02)

Drafting and Project Management for the RENEASE (Renewable Energy Against Social Exclusion) a transitional project funded under the ALTENER II Programme to pilot the application of renewable energy sources to social housing in West Cork (2002-03)

Author and Project manager of Project HEATSUN, a Dublin-based partnership project to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Computer Waste, funded under the LIFE Environment Programme (2000-06)

Local Project Management (County Cork) of the ECSA (Enhancing Common Strategic Arrangements) Project, a transnational project to develop criteria for Territorial Social Responsibility (2004-05)

Local Project Management (County Cork) of the DESEO (Development of Districts of Equal Opportunities in Social Economy Territories) Project, funded under the EC’s Programme to Promote Gender Equality (2006-08)

Expert Evaluator for the European Commission’s European Competitiveness and Innovation Agency (ECAI) on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme

Expert Evaluator for the URBACT II Operational Programme, assessing projects that foster exchange and learning activities among cities as well as capitalising on mainstream sustainable urban development policies with funding from operational programmes.

His methodology involves:

Understanding of different cultures and languages involved in transnational projects. Fluent in English and Spanish, some French and Italian

Knowledge and understanding of European Policies, Directives and Funding Programmes and relating these to practical local initiatives

Awareness of the importance of creating synergy between different European project and policies (e.g. environmental and social policies)

Participation in European and global environmental and social economy networks, such as REVES – Network of Regional and Cities of the Social Economy and the StEP (Solving the E-Waste Problem) Initiative

Knowledge practical experience of project management methodology, including Project Cycle Management, which is applied by the European Commission to many funding programmes

Understanding of the financial regulations governing European funding and of the key audit requirements of EU funded projects

Evaluation and assessment of projects submitted on the basis of Programme evaluation criteria, scoring criteria and teamwork procedures.